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Osborn Alumni Scholarship

Osborn Alumni Scholarship

The Osborn Scholarship has been a tradition since 1990. It was an inspiration of a former Osborn teacher who wanted to establish a way in which students would be able to achieve their goal of going to college. Over the years we have been proud to award scholarships at both Turlock High and Pitman High. Donations are made from past and present Osborn employees and caring members of our community, all of which we commend. We had a great amount of participation from students, parents and staff. This year we are honored to present eleven scholarships to our former students. It is rare for an elementary school to award scholarships to former students but… Osborn is a special place! The recipients and their families were invited to attend the Osborn Scholarship Reception. Osborn School, a place where learning and caring never ends!

You are Osborn's Stars, shine brightly!